Wednesday, May 30, 2012

TLTFF/KAVU Day Contest Winner Entry - Austin Dando

After reading this, I'm setting up a father-son trip with my pops, awesome story...short but sweet and definitely deserving of the win.

My Dad and I took a seven day canoe trip down the susquehana river in the summer. We ate what we caught during the day and camped out on the islands at night. While starting fires with just a piece of flint and the back of my knife, we'd cook up the fish and have ourselves a meal (mostly bass). It was a terrific experience. The weather was unpredictable with random wild rain and lightning storms while on the river we'd have to get to the shore and cover up with a tarp. But no matter what at the end of a long outdoor strucken day, I can sit back with my guitar and harmonica by the fire I know I'm doing what I love best. We've all got some KAVU in us, you just have to know where to look.


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