Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Daily Deal...Another Fish Itch Contest

Via Fish Itch:

It goes without sayin' that Memorial Day Weekend is a special time of year. It's a time to spend with yer family, remember those that aren't with us anymore--'specially those that sacrificed their lives fer this great country--and celebrate the life and freedom we enjoy. It's also the ceremonial kickoff to Summer, so I hope you spent the weekend livin' it up with fam' an' friends, eatin' some good grilled grub, and fishin' yer favorite lake, stream 'r pond! Cuz now it's time to show off the fruits of yer adventures fer yer chance to win. Everyday this week, I'll be givin' away a different prize on my Facebook page with special contests. Take fer example: 

Tuesday: Win that Optimum Swimbait setup from a few weeks back by sharin' yer best bass, striper, pike 'er muskie photo from the weekend. I'll award a prize to m'favorite photo posted on m'Facebook page. 

Wednesday: Score some baits fer ever'body in yer clan when you show me a photo of at least two generations enjoyin' time together. Maybe it's at a BBQ, on the water, hikin' or around a campfire. One winner gets (2) sets of the Bass Kandi 3-packs. 

Thursday: Fer m'fly guys - a Wright & McGill Streamside Tool Set fer photos of fish caught on a fly. I'll pick a couple favorites to win. 

Friday: I'm callin' it Five Seven Five Friday, cuz it's time fer Haikus. Gimme a little 5-7-5 talkin' about yer Memorial Day weekend. First ten people who do it get a Songs From the Tackle Box Digital Download! 

Saturday & Sunday: BoneYard Decals - three winners get a set of stickers - share any photo that ya want from the holiday weekend. The ones that get the most "likes" by Sunday night wins. 

Not on Facebook? Just email me yer favorite photo from the holiday weekend - - 'n my "email contest winner" will score a 160 Lure Assortment from Lockett Lure Outlet ... that's the next deal comin' to Fish Itch!


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