Sunday, April 30, 2017

9th Annual PHWFF 2-Fly Tournament - Day 2

Day 2 started off mysteriously similar to last phone had died overnight while searching for signal and my external battery had cut out. What does this mean? Yep, my alarm failed to go off again. BUT, my internal clock made up for the failure of my phone and got me up just in time to head over the hill and grab coffee and breakfast prior to the start of the morning session.

The skies were overcast and the air cool and crisp, but the mood of everyone was just the opposite, bright, excited, smiles all around. With bellies full of breakfast, cups full of coffee, and bugs coming off the Rose, it couldn't be any other way. As I walked around, game plans were being made and flies were selected.

The excitement associated with 2-Fly is indescribable. The excitement associated with the day of the tournament is exponentially beyond that. The beauty of the Rose River paired with the sight of watching the vets and guides step into the cool water for the first time raises hair on the back of your makes everything else in the world disappear.

I was seated near the gazebo in front of beat 5, where you can sit up on the bank and spot fish and get the best perspective as to how the water is acting and what the fish are doing. You also have an awesome view down the Rose to beat 6 where you can see the competition unwind. Cliff and Harsh were the guides to Jason "JT" Turner and Frank Ortega.

To see more photos from the weekend, checkout the hashtag #PHWFF2Fly on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by clicking on the links.

This is one of my favorite parts of the entire weekend...all of the amazing items from the silent auction, combined with the revenue from sponsorships, donations, and purchased goods summed up to earning a breath-taking $205k for PHWFF.

From volunteering to donating, you can help as well, help heal those who have served, have given us our freedom. Please check out Project Healing Waters website and consider giving them a 'Like' or follow on their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram if haven't already. God Bless.


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