Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The River

Crawford County Michigan, for many, is the center of the fly fishing universe. The "Holy Waters" of the Au Sable river it's glistening sun. The Au Sable is life. From legendary mayfly hatches to the birth of Trout Unlimited. From its famed Au Sable river boats, to the epic battles over land and mineral rights between profit crazed corporations and grizzled river warriors, this river and its storied trout are the life's blood of a generation.
The River, presents a fair and balanced view of the importance of the 
Au Sable River to it's valley, it's wild creatures and it's passionate guardians 
and the anglers. This film brings home the expectations, and the sense of obligation, 
of angling a fragile, treasured stream. Robert, you did a wonderful job with this 
dvd and I'm proud to have been a part of it!
Bob Linsenman
Author, Snowblood's Journal: An American Novel About Men and Dogs in Vietnam
The River is everything a fly fishing film should be. Awesome job!
Matt Patton
Finally, finally watched The, standing ovation from this guy! You nailed it
...absolutely captured what it is and what it means. Exquisite.
Dave Grossens
The River captures the very essence of an American fly fishing icon. 
The Au Sable's rich history, colorful fly fishing culture, and some of its secrets 
are blended with wonderful filming and editing to create a complete picture 
of the entire experience. I seemed to be transported to The River's edge
and left with an overwhelming feeling to grab a 5 weight and run out the door.
Rick Kustich
Author, Advanced Fly Fishing for Great Lakes Steelhead.

The River from RT on Vimeo.


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