Monday, July 25, 2016

Daily Reel...'The Bank - Ep. 02 "Brian"'

In Episode 2 we are at the peak of drought in Alberta. The flows are low and the weather hot. The water is warm and the rainbows and browns have abandoned the long, deep, slow glides and pools, seeking oxygen mixed into the riffled water at the top of runs. The browns simply glow as olive smudges - so obvious from even 40m+ away. Brian & I communicate as he lines up behind this nice brown trout and does a good job of hooking up. The forgotten rule: don't turn your back on a fish while fighting it, and make sure you do what's needed to get it around or past rocks ASAP.

Stay tuned as we work our way through this awesome series and play a little catch up...see all of The Bank series' posts by clicking here.


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