Via Orvis News:
By: Rob Snowhite

Once he figured out the pattern, the author was into a pod of northern snakeheads.
Photos by Rob Snowhite
Photos by Rob Snowhite
I rarely have the opportunity to fish. I can count on my fingers the number of fish I have landed since in the last year. But when I do get a chance to fish, I target northern snakeheads in the tidal Potomac River. You could say I have an obsession with snakeheads. We don’t “blue line” out here—our water is murky—but instead we “brown line” for snakeheads. These fish continue to amaze me. They seem indestructible: My friends chipped one out of a frozen chunk of the river in February, and it started to flop about.
I knew I’d have some free time this weekend to fish, but I wasn’t sure when or where to fish until I got a text from Morgan of Tight Line Tales of a Fly Fisherman. Today was one of those rare days off. No kid, no clients. Morgan had sent me a picture of a northern snakehead caught on a 3-weight. The fish was in one of those spots you are not allowed to mention—a location X so valuable you keep it mum. Morgan shared the location via Google Maps with instructions not to do so to anyone else. This type of opportunity does not happen very often, and I started planning my trip.

These fish are all muscles and teeth, and they fight hard.
To read the rest of the post, click here...Boom...Morgan
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