Monday, December 17, 2012

TFM 12 Days - Day 8

Via TFM:

Please note that the email to use for the 12 Days of Christmas giveaways is

As I was penning emails and putting things together for the 12 Days of Christmas gear giveaways the first person to get back in contact with me was Daniel Galhardo of Tenkara USA saying that he'd like to be involved.  Daniel has always given T.F.M. a lot of support and I think that he appreciates the niche that fiberglass is in the fly fishing industry much like I see with the growing interest in the tenkara method.
I also wanted to highlight something that Tenkara USA has been promoting for the past several weeks and that is their"Pay It Forward Sale" in which they are offering the 11' Iwana for $100 and they are giving half of that to Trout Unlimited or the Wild Trout Trust depending on if you are in the USA or UK.  A pretty neat idea and I believe this has already raised over $15,000 in just a couple weeks time which should go a long ways to protecting fish habitats all over the world.

There are three prizes for today for three winners and each will receive the following.

Winners will be drawn tomorrow morning.

Send an email to saying you want in on today's giveaway.

You will receive an auto response email back to confirm your entry was received.

You will need to email daily to be included in the 12 Days of Christmas giveaways.

Only one email per person please.  Duplicate emails will be erased.

All emails must be received by midnight tonight to qualify for this gear giveaway.

Winners will be chosen by random number generator and will be announced tomorrow morning at the end of this post.

Please check back tomorrow morning on TFM to find out who won.


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