Friday, October 5, 2012

NBD and TLTFF for YOU!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I am first of all in debt to all of you as you have made my week by getting us to 200 Likes on Facebook. Second, Keith of Nature Boy Designs is the man. Seriously, the man. Keith contacted me yesterday to inform me he had seen that we hit 200 likes and wanted in on the prize. For our giveaway (click on the picture on the top right to what its all about), he and NBD are going to send out a NBD 550 Lanyard to the winner. Wow, so gnarly, huge amount of stoke right now for you guys (for the chance to win such an awesome product) and for us to have such a great friend in Keith.

But wait, there's more, here's what Keith also had to say..."If you hit 300 likes by then (the end of the month) I will include a 225 lanyard as well!" WHAT?! Yea, that just happened.

So what does that mean? That means, you tell people about TLTFF on Facebook, make sure they 'Like' the page, get us to 300 an boom, lanyards. So, check out the giveaway, do your part to enter, and win!!!


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