Tuesday, September 11, 2012


This is my first year as a Paramedic for 9/11. Its hard to put into words how I really feel. I feel an even deeper loss for my brothers and sisters (in the field of public service) that were lost that day.

I wish there was more to say other than thank you to all of our service members, public safety personnel, and in general, Americans. Its amazing to see where we've come from in over a decade now. I am so proud to be an American, what we stand for, how we live, its truly an honor. I hope you guys have a blessed day, kiss your loved ones one more time today, hold them a second tighter for every hug. We are lucky to have what we do. God bless you all.



  1. I am grateful for all who have helped or potentially could, including our servicemen and women throughout the world, including a son in the Navy. Pleased you brought this up and am thankful for what you do.


    1. Thank you Gregg and a HUGE thanks to your son and his service to this amazing country.
