Sunday, August 5, 2012

Last Minute Reminder...!

The Young Life Rockfish Tournament this Thursday still has open spots, my boat does too! It will be $200 well spent, you wont walk away empty handed...

Aight guys, this is a big first for us at TLTFF. We're helping with a Rockfish (Striped Bass) tourny here next month and...

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We're helping raise money for Young Life, a non-profit that focuses on building relationships with middle school and high school age kids. Youg Life staff and volunteers enter the world of kids, focusing on what matters to them — fun, adventure, friendship and a sense of significance.  On August 9th we will be attending a tournament in the Baltimore/Annapolis area. This event is a local fundraiser and I thought it would be fun to cast out a request to all the TLTFF followers. If only 1,000 of you were to donate $10 can you believe we would be able to contribute $10,000 for this cause! For those of you who know us and have been following us, you know that here at TLTFF we want to be about more than just fishing…. We want to be able to give back!

I personally was involved in Young Life when I attended Annapolis High School. I transitioned from someone who was significantly impacted by the relationships into, my final year of high school, a student leader. Through the years I've tried to stay in touch with the organization by helping out in college and now this... Young Life has meant to me a great deal throughout both my adolescent and adult years in the form of bringing some of my current best friends (including those who were in my wedding) into my life as well as leading me closer to my faith. I'd love to see the same impact happen to our youth today, especially with all the negative influences they have. The more kids we have being, hunting, playing together, the less we have kids sitting on the couch alone at home gaining weight, not understanding the outdoors and our beautiful world, and pondering things that could possibly get them in trouble.

So here's what were asking...would you come alongside us financially and help me make a difference in the lives of our middle and high school friends? If you wish to make a donation, please click the following link:

If you wish to join us for the tournament, we still have spots open and I'd love to get a few of our followers on the bat with us, we still have spots open on our boat! Let me know what you think, shoot us an email at and we'll get you registered.

Check out the following website to learn more about Young Life:

Thanks guys, all is appreciated!


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