Tuesday, August 14, 2012

FHEP UPDATE: Estuarine Fish Community Sampling


Fisheries Habitat and Ecosystem Program (FHEP) is currently conducting sampling to assess the effect of development on habitat for Chesapeake Bay fishes. This past week, our crew sampled various sites on the Middle, Gunpowder, Tred Avon, Wicomico and Potomac Rivers. Our crew also samples Mattawoman and Piscataway Creeks of the Potomac, Harris and Broad Creeks of the Choptank. We seine from the shore and fished the channels with a bottom trawl net.
We caught several sport and game fish such as white perch, striped bass, spot, croaker, red drum, catfishes, weakfish, sunfishes, largemouth bass, spotted seatrout, summer flounder, shad/herrings, carp and yellow perch. Some of our more interesting catches lately have been chain pickerel, Atlantic stingray, oyster toadfish, and harvestfish (the latter two pictured below). All of the fishes we caught were released.
If you have any questions regarding our work or what we’re seeing out there, contact information can be found on our page: FHEP


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