Saturday, July 14, 2012

ACF: 'Packed for Wyoming'

Via Angler's Choice Flies:

Tomorrow starts a trip that I have been losing sleep over since I put it on the books...Wyoming to stalk brown trout on small water.  It is the kind of fishing that is right up my alley.  I somehow have to make it through work tomorrow and then will be hitting the road.  By Friday I will be outside of Buffalo Wyoming fishing out of Rock Creek Anglers.  The boxes above are a little something I tied up for the trip over the last couple weeks, though I am sure I will be picking up some local go to flies as well!  The bags are packed, camera charged up, and gear ready to roll.  Should have some killer photos and stories by the time I get back next Wednesday.

-mike schmidt

Good luck Mike, can't wait to hear how it goes! You'll crush it!


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