Monday, March 26, 2012


So after a wrench was thrown into our plans for FT3 up in Media, PA and we weren't able to go, I was pretty pissed. I missed the film tour last year because something came up so I was determined to go this year. After the Media mishap, we saw that tickets were still available for the tour stop down in Arlington, VA so Zach and I jumped right on it. I left the house right after work and headed to Zachs. We jumped in the car and started our journey down to Arlington, about a 55 minute drive. Both of us were stoked, it was both of our first tours and we really didn't know what to expect. I have heard so much hype through the interweb that I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve...

We got to the theater down in Arlington, after driving through DC and seeing the cherry blossoms in bloom, around 6:30p. Showtime wasn't for another hour so we got our tickets and went over to the adjacent bar for a celebratory drink. The show was put on by Urban Angler, a fly shop down in Arlington that ran the show hand in hand with Trout Unlimited. Urban Angler was awesome, they put out a bunch of stickers for anyone to grab, I love me some stickers. We ended up pounding two quick at the bar and headed in. The theater was awesome, perfect venue for the tour, waiters come to your table setup and bring food and drinks, awesome.

Right off the bat we ordered some beers and dinner. Some guys from Urban Angler hit the stage around 7:30p, introduced themselves and welcomed us to the show. They introduced William from Eastern Trophies, an awesome guide who takes people on a wide range of foot and float trips from Maryland to Virginia. The grand prize for the drawing was a guided trip with William, unfortunately, Zach and I did not win... But, I did go introduce myself to William and let him know we'd love to have him guide us sometime, keep an eye out for a trip/interview in the future. They had the stage littered with fly fishing gear from lines to shirts for the intermission drawing.

The show started off with a bang, one of the films I wanted to see most, Riding High: A Season on the Fly. Amazing, really had the crowd clapping and hollering. Most of the films throughout the night had the same effect with different levels of excitement and joy.

During the intermission, they ran the drawing. Best part of the night since I walked away with a brand new Rio embroidered Redington fishing shirt! Zach was one number off twice from winning...we kept getting so excited.

The second half of the tour started up and seemed to kind of drag on, some of the films didn't really do much for me like Fly: A Legacy. Had some awesome shots and great narration but seemed to drag on. Maybe that was because I really just wanted to see The Kodiak Project... Of course, it was the last film but damn, by-far the best! I mean, who really catches double digit Steelhead in one day??? I cannot wait to buy it on blue ray! Amazing cinematography, great fish, and just all around good film.

Overall, the tour was awesome, I cannot wait till next year already! I also cannot wait to expand my fly fishing film library with all the films from this year!

A big thanks goes out to Urban Angler and Trout Unlimited for an amazing show and great time! If you haven't seen the trailers for the films yet, check them here and if you went to a tour stop or are planning on  it, let us know what you think!


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