Thursday, March 22, 2012

110 Dozen Flies in 30 Days

Via TFM:

Last month ace photog Bryan Gregson documented Zach Wheeler as he worked through over one hundred dozen flies in thirty days with a Instagram image each day.  I figured that this project might interest a few readers and asked Bryan if he'd share the photos and a bit of copy on the background as well. 

Bryan wrote... "Using my iPhone 3GS camera, I documented my roommate, Zach Wheeler, daily as he tied 110 dozen flies to fund his trip to the Yucatan.  Tying 110 dozen flies required tying a few more than three dozen flies each day, as Zach had only 30 days to complete this.  Zach said fishing in the Yucatan was worth it every turn.

A few months earlier, Zach and his employer, TroutHunter, made a deal for a trip to Playa Blanca, Yucatan, Mexico: 110 dozen flies in exchange for a Salt Trip.  From none other than a creative knee-jerk thought, I decided to document this while Zach embarked on his month long tying task."

Created with flickr slideshow.

"The criteria was that the fly patterns needed to be durable and user friendly a.k.a. “Guide Flies”.

Foam Back Ant: #12-16
Foam Back Spinner: #16
Gray Drake Spinner: #12
Flav No-Ass Cripple: #14
Flav Parachute: #14

I set out to take a daily picture for no reason, other than the fact that Zach would be tying every day for the next thirty days in the living room, right behind where I work.  I could have used my pro DSLR, all the lenses, flashes, etc. but the shooting conditions were poorly lit and I didn’t want to make this a science project full of lighting and Photoshop.  So I opted to keep it fun, fast and artsy.  I chose to use my non-flash iPhone3GS.  After some quick thought, less than 1.7 seconds, I chose to shoot a using a grainy black and white Instagram filter.

I really didn’t think this project through at first. After day two, I realized that somehow I needed thirty different images, which was going to be a bigger task than I initially anticipated.  Lighting definitely proved to be an issue and I had to use extra creativity on a few occasions.  Thirty-one images and 1,320 flies later, the mission was complete.

All things considered, documenting Zach’s fly-tying challenge was an entertaining venture.  It even kick started a few thoughts, so keep your eye-out for something similar in the future."

Follow the Bryan Gregson Photography Facebook page and on Instagram as @bryangregsonphotography as well.


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