Monday, February 20, 2012

Dam Politics

Via Moldy Chum:

Tom at the Trout Underground has penned a must read on Siskyou County politics and the Klamath Dam removal.
While Siskiyou County ranks pretty far down the list of California counties in terms of economic output, its comedic potential remains unchallenged.
For some time, I’ve been trying to write a comprehensive piece about river access, dam removal and salmon recovery in Siskiyou County — and the vicious, detached-from-reality politics surrounding them — but it’s like trying to drink from a fire hose pumping “crazy” instead of water.
Instead, I decided to feed the Undergrounders the crazy in bite-sized chunks, starting with today’s post, which amounts to a singular appetizer: A Bold, Constitutionally Based Declaration From An Angry Voter That Just Happens To Be Wholly Wrong.

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