Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Giveaway!

From this weeks blog on a roll...Fly Fishilicious

Guest Post & GIVEAWAY: Yukon Goes Fishing

Ivan! Ivan! Ivan! Ivan! Can you hear the crowd going wild?!
Check out the latest VIDEO from YGF - 
He's also given us a few fishilicious TIPS - yes, he wrote something!
Then read about the video camera GIVEAWAY 
& leave a comment or two.
Ready. Set. Go!

What does Yukon Cornelius love? Silver and Gold. Silver and Gold. What does YGF like? Silver and Gold. Well, more like Rainbows and Browns. Close enough. A video filled with bumbles, abominable snowmen, miners, reindeer, brown trout, and rainbow trout. Consider this the pinnacle of the concept of YGF. It can only go downhill from here.

Music: The Glitch Mob "We Can Make the World Stop"

Silver and Gold from Yukon Goes Fishing on Vimeo.

When Jen asked me to contribute to the Fishilicious Friday series ( I was confused. Yukon Goes Fishing ( doesn’t do writing. YGF does videos. I know the next step in this logic is to present a YGF video with tips and tricks for beginner fly fishers, but that step won’t be taken. Instead, I’m going old school YGF, before the videos. Words and stuff.
I feel like I have a high standard to live up to. Previous FF entries have been masterfully crafted by the likes of Fontinalis RisingOne Bug is Fake, the Unaccomplished Angler, the T-Rage, Sanders from Up the Poudre, and Chris Hunt. Unlike the tips provided by that motley bunch, YGFs will be wildly underwhelming and devoid of humor.
1. Keep doing what you're doing - Experience is key. The more you get out, the more you observe, the more dots you connect, and quicker you improve.
2. Find a mentor - Sure, the interwebz is filled with friendly digital faces who are willing to lend you a hand and/or some knowledge. But, there is no substitute for face-to-face connections. Find a consistent fishing partner and/or a knowledgable and chatty fly shop employee/owner. Watch that fishing partner work water and pick their brain about techniques, hot flies, fish behavior, bug stuff after a day on the water. Bounce ideas off your fishing partner. I learned the most from watching, talking, then doing.
3. Pause between your backcast and forward cast - Honestly, that is more of a tip for myself. It helps with accuracy and distance and it should help you cut down on those dreaded “windknots.” I’ve always struggled with remembering to pause. Back to the Fishilicious tips.
4. Fish the same water over and over and over - This approach worked for me. The more I fished the same river, the more I learned about where the trout held. I knew there were fished to be caught and I had to figure out what they were eating and how to present it. Sure, the same thing can be done on a medley of rivers. But, in my mind, I felt like being familiar with the river, there was one less thing to worry about. I could concentrate on the other details instead of being somewhat overwhelmed by fishing new water all of the time. Once I started to feel more comfortable, that confidence transferred to the other rivers that I fished.
5. Practice your knots - tippet is expensive - go to a big box store, buy a spool of mono and get to practicing your knots. Master one and move on to the next. If you are cheap like me and don’t want to buy one of the nail knot tools, learn the nail-less nail knot.

Would you like to create videos of your very own?
We've got an 8GB Flip MinoHD on the block here.
I heard this was a nice little camera - Ivan told me so.
He started out with one of these babies not so long ago.
What do YOU have to do to win it?
Show YUKON some love &
leave a comment on this blog post 
- right here on Fly Fishilicious.
That's it.
Want a second entry?
Share this post on the web somewhere: 
Your own blog, FB, Twitter or Google+
THEN, leave a second comment saying you did so.
2 entries max per person please.
You've got 1 week.
Next Tuesday night @ 7pm
I'll let the Random Number Generator
pick a winner from the comments,
and the FLIP is YOURS -
I'll even mail it in time for Christmas!


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