Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three Days Behind...Dang

Sorry about the lack of posts guys but between vacation, a 9 hour drive home last night (Jersey still sucks as a state by the way when it comes to traffic), arriving home at 4:30am and having to wake up for class at 7am...life's been busy. Oh an by the way...5.9 magnitude earthquake today here in Annapolis (epicenter was in Mineral, VA), crazy when your on the 5th floor of an old building. After marking that off the bucket list and chumming it up with some good friends, telling stories of "The Grey Lady" (Nantucket Island), I decided to try and post between homework pages.

Nantucket was awesome, absolutely beautiful place, one of the most beautiful places on the planet. We were able to visit some family and have a great time celebrating our first wedding anniversary. I have to say, I have an amazing wife and amazing life, I'm very blessed. But you don't care about that, you care about fishing.

Truth is, I got skunked (or as Dave Skok, the famous Striper fly fisherman from Boston would say, I "crashed"), when it comes to saltwater that is. I spotted an AMAZING Striper on the flats of the Jetties but my clumsy ass spooked it after having it chase an Atom Popper (wrong choice Morgan, go with the Sand Eel next time dummy). All in all, I pulled in over a dozen freshwater fish on my 5 wt, from a 28" Chain Pickerel to a White Perch I swear tied the Massachusetts state record. Heres some pictures from the trip, I'm sure I'll post some more when I have slightly more time...enjoy!

                                 Silver Sides by the Jetties             Nice Yellow Perch from Miacomet

                                  Flats near Barnstable, Mass                  Gnarly new stickers...

                                                Hello Mr. Scallop                      28" Chain Pickerel

                                     Pops tossing some line...     Nantucket's own Triple 8 Vodka

                                       Beer selection at Cisco Brewery       Some hops on the wall

      Pesky seal... Mr. Great White will get you soon enough      Boats and bait off Brant Point Lighthouse

                           Charters coming in off Brant Point                    The East Jetty

                                          Flats off Coatue                           Fishing the East Jetty

Tight Lines...Morgan

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